Whats the strongest product i have created?

By looking at the ancillary texts, if you hadn't heard music from this artist, would you be interested to hear some of his music?

By looking at the ancillary texts, what genre would you think the artist creates music for?

Whats my strongest ancillary text?

Looking at my ancillary texts, do you think they're a strong promotional package for the single?

Did you think the music related to the video?

What didn't you like about the video?

What do you most like about the video?

Do you like the music video for the song?

Do you like the song I made a promo-video for?

Saturday, 28 November 2009

Audience Questionnaire

I created a questionnaire to help me create more ideas for my music video, I feel these questions we help me establish my target audience as well as create an original and interesting idea for my music video. I've purposely placed in open questions within my questionnaire as this allows the audience to expand on their answers and tell me as a researcher what they personally like if the answer is not on the list.

These are the questions in which i asked:

What genre of music do you like the most? (tick)

Pop []
RnB []
Rock []
Dance []
Gospel []
Soul []
Heavy Rock []
Indie Rock []
Rock []
Other (Please State) [] ……………….

How often would you say you watched music videos? (tick)

Never []
Sometimes, when bored []
Occasionally []
Quite often []
A lot of the time []
They’re all I watch []

What music channel is you’re favourite? (tick)

MTV []
MTV 2 []
The Box []
Smash Hits []
Kiss []
Magic []
Q []
4 Music []
Other (Please State) [] ………………

What most appealing to you in a music video? (tick)

The Music []
Choreography []
Story line [] (Please continue with stating the genre of Story) - Comedy [] - Horror [] - Drama []
Artists / Dancers with sex appeal []
A video which is controversial []
The Costume []
Other (Please State) [] ………………….

Which artist / band do you personally find, brings out the most interesting music videos?

Artist/ Band ……………………….............................................................
Why? ……………………………..................................................................

What is your favourite music video and why?

Artist / Band …………………….................................................................
Why? ………………………….......................................................................

I will give out 10 questionnaires, 5 to females and 5 to males as i think it would generate a more interesting and exciting response hearing from both genders. I aim to have my questionnaire completed by 16 - 18 year olds as that's who I'm aiming my music video at, as an audience. I'm going to make graphs on Microsoft Excell to show my results as i feel it's easier to recognise data that way and also take note on the open questions as i feel there also very important.

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