Whats the strongest product i have created?

By looking at the ancillary texts, if you hadn't heard music from this artist, would you be interested to hear some of his music?

By looking at the ancillary texts, what genre would you think the artist creates music for?

Whats my strongest ancillary text?

Looking at my ancillary texts, do you think they're a strong promotional package for the single?

Did you think the music related to the video?

What didn't you like about the video?

What do you most like about the video?

Do you like the music video for the song?

Do you like the song I made a promo-video for?

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Audience Research Results

This is the graph to the results in which i found out by handing out my questionnaire. I ended up handing out 18 questionnaires in total, however i tried to make it as fair as possible by handing nine out to males, and nice out to females. I based the questionnaire around the mainstream 16 - 18 target audience male and female as that is the audience in which I'm hoping to attract. In the graph to the left, the conclusion to the results in which i found was the idea of the majority of people voted 'pop music' as their favorite genre of music, whereas 'gospel and soul' remained un- ticked which concludes to the idea of perhaps neither boys or girls particularly like this genre of music. Indie rock and RnB remain the second most popular whereas the third most popular was in fact rock. This is interesting in terms of audience research as i targeted the questionnaire at people from the 16- 18 aged category, who i also want to aim my promo video at.

This is a graph to show what elements in a music video appeal to the audience, the most popular was actually 'the music' which is interesting as it reinstates the idea that the music is still the most important concept of the music video, however it also creates the question surrounding the idea of can an amazing music video make a rubbish song buy able? The second most popular was the choreography factor within a music video and the joint third was the costume and the artists/ dancers with sex appeal. These are interesting results from the mainstream audience in which participated within this survey as, if i want to target this audience, perhaps i should use some of these elements in which they seem to prefer and like to view within a music video.

This is a graph to show how often my target audience watch music videos, with the majority of participants stating 'quite often' whereas the joint second are 'Sometimes, when I'm bored' and 'A lot of the time.' It's interesting to note that none of my target audience 'never' watch music videos nor are they all they watch either. It just proves perhaps music videos need that media attention to really get my mainstream audience to want to watch my music video, or it just needs to be interesting. The musical artist always allows the song to receive a lot of radio play before the promo video is released, this is an important idea as with the majority of my participants confessing the most important factor of a music video is in fact the 'music,' it allows the audience to become familiar with the song then excitement starts to brew waiting for the artist to complete their music video for the song.

This is the last quantitative data in which i received, which asked the participating audience which music channel is their favorite. The majority of my participants chose MTV which interestingly enough is more well known now-a-days for playing reality shows on repeat, such as 'The Hills, Sweet Sixteen' and 'Laguna Beach' rather than music videos in which it was created for back in the 1980s. Other favorite music channels include Smash Hits, Kiss and Q which all play music videos for completely different genres, such as Smash hits plays music videos for Pop and chart music, Kiss plays music from the genre of Hip-Hop and RnB and Q plays music from the genre of Indie and Rock. If MTV does play music videos which, once in a while it does, it plays music based in the mainstream pop genre such as Lady gaga, Lily Allen and Britney Spears.
I included some open questions at the end of my questionnaire asking the audience for their favorite music videos, and which artists they think bring out the most interesting music videos. A shocking 12/18 participants included Lady gaga in either of these open questions, reasons from the costume, to the choreography to the story line. It seems she is very popular amongst my target audience from 16- 18 year olds. This audience research has been fully worthwhile as it allows me to see what my target audience really want to see within a music video, and basically they just want something entertaining, they don't wont watch anything rubbish and boring. They want to view something tense, exhilarating and exciting, joined together with a good song, looking from this research it seems impossible to make sales out of song which have an amazing music video, yet at the end of the day if the song is absolutely rubbish, the audience isn't going to want to purchase and listen to it on their Ipod.

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